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squrll000 has 8 chronicles

  1. squrll000 WoW that wss dumb...

    Player Chronicle -- Posted on Apr 13 2008

    Recently many of my friends have been getting addicted to the virtual aphrodisiac that is World of Warcraft. So, as any good friend would, I decided to join them in their nerdy affliction. My friend had the cd and a trial pass so I decided what the heck I'll give it a try if my piece-o-junk IP could handle it. I get home pop in the disk and, low and behold... Nothing. After half an hour of trying to figure out what's wrong with my computer I finally find the problem by looking at the disk. IT'S A FREAKING DVD!!! What in the world?? As it turns out my computer doesn't have a DVD drive because I don't watch a lot of movies and don't have many DVD's so I'm pretty much out of luck (does anybody know why the would put a game on a DVD because the only possibility I can come up with is that it holds more space but I'm not even sure if thats true, it's not like it's some standard package or anything you have to pay extra on most computers (at least the ones I've looked at but then I'm not exactly made of money) so what gives?). Anyway I go ahead and set up my account because I was going to go to my cousins that weekend and would play it then and buy my own game for the membership and hope that it actually had the right disk in it. Nope, but here's the kicker my cousins had used the old 5 disk set they got from a friend to download it originally and still had it at their house (except that they'd lost the first disk and I had to search for half an hour to find it but by golly I did). Woot Woot!!!
    Anyways long story only slightly shorter I'm sitting here with the fun task of loading 5 different disks and installing the patches on my computer. Hopefully I'll be done before midnight lol.
    I've got a Horde on Ravenholdt and Spinebreaker named Frogdoor and one on Saramun or whatever it is (ask sn1pe) named Roodgorf if ya ever wanna look me up. Disk 4 Woooooo!!

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