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Sn1pe Warman has 12 chronicles

  1. Sn1pe Warman Lost: Via Domus

    Player Chronicle -- Posted on Mar 25 2008

    Lost, in my opinion is a great show even though it can get out of hand sometimes Smile . Since I love it so much I decided to rent the game. It starts out like any other lost episode with a questioning/dramatic scene. Then it shows "Lost" floating eerily off the screen. The gameplay in this game is often dull and boring. The only way you will enjoy this game is if you are a huge lost fan (like me). So I, even though it was short, liked it. The storyline is very interesting and confusing just like the show. Without giving any spoilers away; the ending will get you thinking... a lot. On the side of someone who doesn't watch the show you will be wandering around for hours trying to figure out what the heck is going on. Getting deeper into the gameplay there are only a few types of puzzles, almost no action, and dull items. It does have its moment s though; like when you have to run threw the jungle jumping over logs and sliding under tree trunks from a big monster made of black smoke. Overall I will give this game a 4.75 out of 10 Shocked (Lost fans rent it, there is no reason for anyone to buy it)

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