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sicipio has 4 chronicles

  1. sicipio Review Number 2

    Player Chronicle -- Posted on Mar 23 2008

    Hey this is scip with another chronicle, as u may or may not know last time i reviewed only games well this time im going to review games and sumthing from the store, skins which me and sn1pe bought right after the march madness.

    The Skins
    After me and sn1pe returened to his house we took our 360s and started to apply the skins me buying shockwave which i personally like the best,we started as we sat there on the table we coudt figure out what the heck to do we peeled of the back but after that we were sitting ducks so then we waited just tring to think maybe look for a vide to install these? well here comes jakes dad and he figures out u have to punch out the parts so then we applied them and then our 360's being deckout we took some rad pics but we coundt get them to work, but soon we will. I give this gear 4 Stars, just cause theres no instructions.

    Now onto games and yes my first one will be
    March Madness
    This was the first time i have ever played this game so i was nervous going into it, but i stayed in the Graphics of this game is pretty steady lots of crowd movement, lots of details like sweat on the players and shadows from the jerseys with smooth game play pretty good reaction time this is defiantly one of the best basketball games out there.

    next i figured i would try someXBLA games

    The funney antice of this game dont easilly get old the fuuney remarks awsome weapons. for a measly 800 points this is definatly a game u wanna pick up with some decent challenges and online play this is one u should pick up 4 Stars

    Band of Bugs
    This rpg, action, war game is pretty fun with diffrent classes to play around with making ur own maps and a pretty good story line the only thing wrong with this game is that almost no one plays on online, but maybe that will change if u buy it. 4 Stars

    Halo 3
    Well i might get some complaints on this one but i have to do it. The multiplayer, fun at first but eventually dumb super soldiers shooting hundreds of bullets at each other when u move like a robot and jump like one this game just gets to old. There is almost no fun part to this game also in the multiplayer u have to listen to dumb little kids talking the whole time. the story line yeah its an okay story line but u know its just kinda dumb, now im glad that halo wont be a fps now because in reallity its getting old and lame
    2 Stars

    Now some online games
    This game is kinda empty for the biggest mmorpg game online this games kinda fun u know get a quest go kill giant rats, get another quest kill some bears, get a quest go kill some weird demons, wow is right this game is really boring after the first 5 lvl's id like to know how people play this game for more then a day i mean i can kinda see it but for the most part it kinda sucks alright i guess 3 Stars

    Well thats all for now i need to wait till more games come out and then maybe we'll see another chronicle, and maybe we can get some more readers. alright this is scip just rappin it up

    Scip- Smile

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