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cableguy has 8 chronicles

  1. cableguy Supreme Commander

    Player Chronicle -- Posted on Sep 07 2007

    Supreme Commander stands amongst RTS games as, if nothing else, the most massive. For pretty much the first time in an RTS, you can literally have thousands of units on the battlefield at any given time. Imagine droves of fighter planes circling overhead while a wave of mechanized infantry surges forward and then in the distance... a gigantic metalic saucer floats slowly into view and begins to reign terror down on the battlefield... in the form of killer death beams from hell. Sounds pretty cool right? It is, when the game goes the way it was designed.

    For me, Supreme Commander was an interesting submission to the RTS category. It wasn't great, but it was fun. The massive amount of units adds an entirely new depth to the game. Instead of the micro-management you might be normally accustomed to in a traditional RTS, this game is all about optimizing your resource income to accomodate for the massive amount of production you are about to lay down.

    Speaking of resource management, SC uses a decent system to get around the lag of having to manualy collect resources (think Warcraft games). In Supreme Commander, there are two major resources: mass and energy. Mass is collected by building mass collectors at mass sights. Energy is collected by building power generators. All this resource generation is done automatically, once the building has been built - ofcourse. You can also store both of these resources by creating... you got it, mass storage and energy storage buildings. This is important because it is crucial that you don't waste too many resources.

    All of these elements are fine and dandy, but don't amount to much at all without decent gameplay to back it up. Fortunately, SC delivers. Once you have gotten over the intitial economic hump, the fun begins as you start to create wave upon wave of mechanic warmongers. Top this off with the giant "experimentals" and it makes for some furious RTS fun.

    However... the interface systems sucks! Too many times i couldn't find the correct unit I wanted, nor could I correctly seperate my engineer units... it was a mess. And when you're working with thousands of units, you need more control than what SC offers. I do have to admit that the zoom function is brilliant and is the best attept at allowing for corellated attacks, but it doesn't work as well as it should have. There is a new expansion on the way that is supposed to fix alot of the UI problems, so I still have hope.

    All in all, this game is a blast for about two weeks... which is how long it took me to go back to Company of Heroes. I spose I could give it oh say... four out of five?

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