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jakab11 has 2 chronicles
Smash Bros. Brawl Review
Player Chronicle -- Posted on Mar 26 2008
Well, its finally here, and I'd say I'm satisfied with Brawl. I went out and got it at 6 in the morning on launch day and didn't stop playing except to recharge my wiimotes. With the actually story mode in this game instead of that piece of crap 10-12 levels in melee I was actually enjoying the game right out of the box. The simple controls and variety of configurations (4) make it amazingly simple to pick up and play. I'm so glad they finally included Sonic in a Smash Bros. game! They really expanded on their characters bringing in Solid Snake, Olimar, R.O.B (an old peripheral for the NES for those that don't know) and even Wolf from Star Fox games. The inclusion of Final Smashes mix up the game play, but it seems that some final smashes are absolutely pathetic! Take Peach's for example: a frilly border appears on screen while peaches fall from the sky and everyone on screen falls asleep for a very limited period of time. Then on the other hand there is Link's: Land a shot on this move and it's an automatic K.O. as long as nothing's in the way. Then comes the Wi'fi. I decided this would be the factor that would make or break this game. I found the friend codes slightly annoying but it allows use of more features. For new players that want to find out how to use characters right, there is the new spectator mode that lets you watch a live brawl that is happening as you watch and bet on. There was absolutely no lagging at all when I played Wi-fi with friends, but for about 3 days, I could never find any random challenger around the world. Since then this has been fixed and I enjoy facing people, but a name, country, or rank should atleast be included in this mode. Overall I would have to give this game a very high 9.99 out of 10. It was superb, but a bit stacked at times and just plain, well predictable at times.
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jakab11 has 2 comment s on this chronicle.
Posted On Mar 28 2008Every hing he said is absolutley true. Good job jakab
Posted On Mar 26 2008Sounds like you're another one of the many fans of SSBB! Thanks for the insight and great video game review...keep 'em coming