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Link has 52 chronicles

  1. Link The Longest Day of My Life

    Player Chronicle -- Posted on Jan 15 2009

    So yesterday (Wednesday, January 14th) was like any other day.

    As many of you may know, I commute about 30 miles (one way) every day. The way to school, was paved with Ice and snow, and a nice accident on the interstate- that delayed my travels by about 20 minutes. So, now exhausted, after a 50 minute commute- I arrived to my first class, barely on time. Thinking little of the morning, I advanced my thinking to my studies.

    After school, I left for a friend's house. (As I normally would find someone to "game" with, when I work- part time- that day. Obviously I work in the same town as my school, so there would be little reason to drive home and back.)
    After getting absolutely rocked in a few "Ladder" matches in WWE Smackdown vs. RAW 2009, I left for work. Work was fine and dandy, and when the time came to leave, I headed out to my car, to only start... THE LONGEST DAY OF MY LIFE.

    I entered my vehicle that night, and my engine would not "turn over". The Service Engine light came on, as I sat there in the Frozen Tundra called Iowa. Keep in mind, No car on means no HEAT on. So as I began to freeze, I called one of my best friends (Known as electrickeye here on the GoG) and asked to crash at his place, only a few miles away.

    About 10 minutes later, my frostbitten *bum* (*edited for content [same with *words like this* from now on]*) climbed into his car, and moved over to his crib. About 6 hours later, I woke up for the next day of school. I found out that My High school classes were canceled, because it was -47 *stupid* degrees below zero, and "unsafe for children" (Mainly the kindergartners, but if one school closes, the district must close). However, the college classes I am taking at DMACC were not canceled. My car still frozen, I had to wake up electrick to get me there... I got there,and as he drove away, I walked inside...

    It turned out that no one showed up because it was too *much* cold, So the professor allowed me to leave, Since if he taught me anything, he would need to teach everyone the same thing tomorrow. So I called electrick back. He came back to DMACC to come and get me, then we went over to GameStop (my work, and also where my dormant car still sat.) Of course, though it struggled a lot, my car started. But now for the fun part... I also just got off work tonight (Thursday), Meaning all day, I sat around with most everyone I know just watching movies, and doing random things all day, playing games and all whatnot.

    Thanks for taking the time to read this, Any questions? Ask Very Happy

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Chronicle Comments

Link has 2 comment s on this chronicle.

  1. JackDaniels624 JackDaniels624
    Posted On Jan 18 2009

    ...Wow...2 things reminded me of things. First of all, your lucky I always envied schools that got snow days! My district (no matter how cold) would never cancel a day of school! Seriously there were alerts telling everyone to stay inside and avoid going out at all costs! But nope, I still had school. There was 3 days we got off in my entire school career, one was in elementary school when there was a blizzard, we got to go home early. Another was in junior high where we had another blizzard. The last was when the day before my b-day where there was a storm and the school lost power...Then we got to go back on my b-day (i was really hoping I could stay home). The great thing was watching the news and seeing thousands of schools getting cancelled and skipping ours! And I hate those schools that get like 8 days was barely even cold and they got the day off!!!

    And secondly about those ladder matches. I just played a 6-way something about cash against 5 really tough opponents (Edge, Batista, Triple H, and John Cena [I hate that guy...even though I don't watch wrestling] and I forgot who else). That was 6 freakin people trying to get a briefcase! And everyone had the healing ability! I just cowered and let them kill eachother and even I got in almost all red a ton of times! And the cpu kept moving both ladders so I had to keep hiding one!

    Sorry for the long comment but that was a fun read!

  2. BEN BEN
    Posted On Jan 16 2009

    Yeah man, the negative degrees had my truck hating itself as well. When it's that cold, the vehicle's battery (if it's solid to begin with) can be charged by turning your lights on, the radio on, ect. and allowing the battery to get going in order to fire that engine up. I got lucky and found that out on my own, but was also told that information after sharing the story Wink

    At least you had a friend to brave the cold weather with and some gaming to enjoy as well!