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Link has 52 chronicles

  1. Link Street Fighter 4 Review

    Player Chronicle -- Posted on Mar 17 2009

    The original fighting game is back with a bang and looking sharper than ever with a ripped uppers body and really bad smack talk. Street Fighter 4 on the console is a pretty nostalgic trip that will take you back to the golden years of gaming when 2D graphics and mono-channel sound were enough to make a great game. Don't get me wrong. The game looks amazing since the gameplay is so true to the original.

    At its core, Street Fighter 4 is a fighting game with a deep combat system that appeals to a casual as well as a hardcore gamer. The minute you start playing the game, you realize that Capcom has done an exceptional job in re-creating the series.

    Like most of you out there, I started off with Ryu and jumped right into the action. In true SF fashion, the game starts off with an introduction of both characters as they try to act tough in broken English. The gameplay is similar to Street Fighter Alpha, with power-up gauges for each player. As you fight, the power-up gauge fills up, allowing special moves and ultra combos, more on the Ultra combos later.

    The game characters are all rendered in 3D with some really detailed character models, but the gameplay still sticks to a 2D plane. So unlike other games in the genre, you can't move around or shift planes. The traditional system may upset the new-gen of gaming, but it works perfectly and will surely please the SF veterans. Combat heavily relies on special moves and counters, and both require some skill to master. The basic punches and kicks are spilt into heavy, medium and light, combing them leads to other combos. The idea is to get a few basic blows and fill up your energy or power-up gauge, once the energy gauge is full, you can choose and perform various ultra combos.

    The energy gauge has two different levels, the level give you the ability to use a super move and the next level gives you the ability to unleash the ultra combo. Let me explain in detail:

    Super move combo: Every character has a special move, Ryu, for example, has Hadouken and the super move combo will unleash a special Hadouken that does way more damage. The same applies to all characters.

    Ultra Move Combo: Maxing out the energy gauge will allow you to use the Ultra move combo. It's a fatal attack that is as devastating as it is cinematic. The ultra move combo is a cinematic move in which the player hits the opponent a number of times, causing immense damage. It's twice as powerful as the special move combo and if timed right, it will mostly result in victory.

    The game is fun to play online, and speaking of which; That's exactly what I'm going to do! Street Fighter 4 Rules!!!

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