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MaTrIx has 15 chronicles

  1. MaTrIx My Most Influential Games *EDITED*

    Player Chronicle -- Posted on Jan 26 2010

    1. California Games (Commadore 64) - Yeah, I'm old school in my beginnings. This was the game that got me started hooked on playing. It had BMX, Skating, Roller Skating and Surfing. It was Neo-Geo before there even was one.

    2. Pitfall (Atari 2600) - The cheesy 8 bit graphics, jumping over crocs and swinging on vines. Thinking back I wonder, what was the deal with this freaking game? Plain and was just fun.

    3. Wolfenstein (PC) - This was the first PC game I beat. I think I might have been around 12 years old.

    4. Street Fighter 2 (Arcade) - The time of junior high and Street Fighter go hand in hand. I could never beat my brother, that is until he went to Marine boot camp. After he came back...never beat me once. This was when I started getting competitive in gaming.

    5. Mortal Kombat 2 (Arcade) - Don't get me wrong, I loved the first one. This one just did it for me. This Kombat started it all with the air juggles. After I turned 16 I started working in a casino arcade that had like 10 of these and an endless supply of victims. This was the game that I still found time to play even after I broke my foot and severely twisted my ankle, I would just sit on a stool and prop my busted up foot on another.

    6. Tekken Tag (Arcade) - Air combos...air combos...air combos. After work we would have little mini tournaments on this game until about 3am. Usually with a crowd of people around us, probably because we all had keys to the games and would load it up with credits.

    7. Beat Mania (Arcade) - At work during the summer months I could get a crowd of 30-50 people watching me. I just won't say how much money I spent learning the buttons and timing for all the songs.

    8. Crash Bandicoot (PS) - This marks my coming back to console gaming. Even if it was briefly for a moment back then. Influencial? Maybe. Fun? oh yeah!

    9. Sim City 2000 (PC) - Lunch hour at school I was in the library playing this. TBH, this could probably be higher in my list. For the life of me I could never get money coming into my city treasury, then something clicked in my head about how I was doing something and the cash started flowing. My record population of 340 million awed everyone.

    10. Gears of War (Xbox 360) - I had only 2 games for the 360 before this one came out. Late one night I was watching MTV and coming on next was this 30 minute spot about a new game that was coming out called...Gears of War. I watched it, the release was that night! I rushed out and bought it at 3am (thankfully Wal Mart had it). The game style, story, usable cover and the machine gun with a chainsaw attached to it. I was hooked, I played this game for a week straight on vacation. Taking breaks for cigarette, food and Mt Dew runs...and of course to sleep. This was the game that brought me back to consoles. I now have 50 360 games.

    11. Prince of Persia (Xbox 360) - I remember the old days of the first POP back in the early 90's. This one just blew my mind about how much games have really changed.

    12. Batman Arkham Asylum - I've never really been a fan of superhero games. Why? Simply because they tend to suck. In steps Rocksteady with this crowning jewel of what a superhero game should be. Mere words cannot describe the awesomeness of this game. The story (THANK YOU PAUL DINI!), the voice acting, the action and the graphics. All of it is just simply awesome.

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Chronicle Comments

MaTrIx has 1 comment on this chronicle.

  1. BEN BEN
    Posted On Apr 23 2009

    What a great list. I'm sure it was fun thinking about all these classic games that shaped your gamer-hood Very Happy

    You'd enjoy this GoG Forum conversation:

    Someday, if you get uber-motivated, I'd love to see a full video game review of each title on this GoG profile of yours Shocked
