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PMS Heartbreakr has 2 chronicles

  1. PMS Heartbreakr Swine Flu Survivors!

    Player Chronicle -- Posted on Aug 21 2009

    Okay, I know this is the most random chronicle ever, but there is a lot of this going around and I know I always feel better hearing from someone who has experienced it to make me feel like things will be okay.

    So I will start off saying I should have listened to the super-fear mongering people on the news when they said stay away from large events. This is how I picked up the piggy flu, but the lure of so many awesome rock bands in one place was too much, so I went. It was mayhem festival, it lasted from 2pm-12am, in the hot florida sun, and the alcohol I was drinking probably killed my immune system. And for people who have gone to rock concerts before know having random fluids sprayed on you doesn't help either. 2 days later, bam I had a fever chills, and a very sudden cough. Like, literally I felt find and 30 minutes later I was feverish and coughing.

    Okay other than that the fear mongers are all wrong, Swine flu is just another form of flu, it's definitely the worst flu I've ever had but in the end just a flu. It carries a really bad headache and worse aches. The things you need to do are this

    -Rest! Stay in bed DONT GO TO WORK OR ANYWHERE YOU MIGHT GET OTHER PEOPLE SICK!! The fatigue for me was almost overwhelming, some days I slept 15 hours, but staying in bed is the best thing.

    -Drink plenty of fluids, getting dehydrated can be dangerous, try to drink things with electrolytes like gatorade, powerade, etc.

    -Eat some small meals throughout the day, now this may vary for some people, my mother caught it from us and she had vomiting. I didn't feel sick to my stomach at all but I did have extreme loss of appetite, I never got hungry but I ate because I knew it would give me a better chance of fighting it off. I ate a lot of fruits, they are packed with vitamins and light on the stomach. This should go without saying but don't eat anything heavy, and definitely no fast food.

    -Medicate, medication will help lower your fever and help take off the edge off the severe body aches. I went with a daytime and night time Wal-Mart brand flu medicine, it was like 6 dollars and the nighttime stuff was great for helping me sleep, because the first night I had no medicine and all I did was toss and turn.

    Other than that most people on this site are within the age range to battle off swine flu. But if you have children like I do you need to be extra careful. My 3 year old caught it, I took her to her doctor to receive anti-viral medication and she didn't get nearly as sick as the rest of us. My daughter was born at 3 pounds 9 ounces so I have to be extra careful when it comes to her getting sick. If your child is under 5 they should definitely receive anti-viral. Over 5 they aren't considered in a high risk group, and your health care provider can help you determine what you need to do.

    Also if you are pregnant, or obese this also throws you into the high risk category meaning you could be even sicker, or possibly die, anyone who is considered high risk needs to be hospitalized early so they can be properly treated.

    Okay I think that is it, oh yeah and starting between September-November of this year there will be a Vaccination available with priority given to pregnant women, heath care workers and people under 24 years of age once those with priority have been vaccinated then everyone from 24-64 should be vaccinated as well.

    Hopefully everyone stays healthy and never needs this information, but just in case someone comes down with this don't be to scared, I have a house full of survivors!

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Chronicle Comments

PMS Heartbreakr has 2 comment s on this chronicle.

  1. BEN BEN
    Posted On Aug 21 2009

    We have survivors living in the community! Thanks for the insight and we're glad you're doing better. Be honest though, was it the gaming that got you through the toughest times? haha

  2. JackDaniels624 JackDaniels624
    Posted On Aug 21 2009

    Laughing Most random chronicle ever? You haven't met me have you...Anyway, I wish I could have gone to the Mayhem festival, but in order to get a night off of work someone has to least in my personal experience. Of course I just call in when needed to.

    Anyway again, my cousin had the Swine Flu and he survived. The media blew the whole thing out of proportion (First time they've ever done it! I was surprised too!)