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MzChaos has 1 chronicle

  1. MzChaos Being a female gamer

    Player Chronicle -- Posted on Sep 10 2009

    So I work in a video game store, and love my job, have had it for 4 years. And there are more and more females appearing as hard core gamers, yet it still gets under my skin when a customer comes in and thinks I know NOTHING about video games, simply because I am female. Twice in the last week I have encountered situations. Yet my tenure with the company is far greater than any of the guys at my location, as well as my female boss. I had a customer come in and ask if I could recommend any great racing games that my brother or my husband play. I replied that my brother hates video games and that my boyfriend hates racing games. I said as for myself I like to shoot things in games.. A lot, and walked away Then he was all like "Oh wait you play the games??" Uh duh. And I had a customer call on the phone insisting that she needed to speak to male that was working for advice, stating I would be of no use, and insisted I knew nothing about the games cause I was female. GRRRRR!!! Ok done ranting..

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Chronicle Comments

MzChaos has 5 comment s on this chronicle.

  1. A-Thon X A-Thon X
    Posted On Sep 11 2009

    Its interesting, especially from a socioligical perspective. Why does this stigma, that girls/womenz/ladies don't play games, exist in the first place?

  2. MzChaos MzChaos
    Posted On Sep 11 2009

    Or we could just LAN up at Cold Fusion in mentor!!! LOL

  3. PMS_Solincia PMS_Solincia
    Posted On Sep 11 2009

    I could always come up there and we could show them a thing or two!
    There is still that stigma, but we are working hard to overturn that.

    ECA, PMS Clan, well, we've been working hard for 6 years to get that mentality out of men's heads.

    That's why it's so great that we saw all the All-Ladies Teams at MLG Dallas.
    PMS Clan had 3, BAMF had one, DSO... it was such a great experiance.

    We'll get there! All-Female gamers, all the time!

  4. SweetIceCream SweetIceCream
    Posted On Sep 11 2009

    Hey good thing for you it seems girl gaming is on the rise Laughing

  5. JackDaniels624 JackDaniels624
    Posted On Sep 11 2009

    It's BS, I know...but sadly reality. I can imagine that must get quite annoying, but all you can do is keep your head up and keep proving yourself and in time things might change.