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dwigg has 13 chronicles

  1. dwigg top 5 games I am looking foward to in 2010

    Player Chronicle -- Posted on Jan 07 2010

    This last year has been great as a gamer. We had some really good titles come out. So I hope that 2010 will be the same. Here is the top 5 games that I am looking foward too.

    #5 Bioshock 2- the last game was great! The story hit the mark and the game play was great. I hope bs2 keeps it going and that the mulitplayer is'nt just tacked on.

    #4 Darksiders- played this game and what can I say, good so far.... hope to get my hands on it soon to add to my collection.

    #3 Fallout New Vegas- There are no details for this game, but it is rumored to come out this year. If it is as good or better then fallout3 then this will be a game that I will play.

    #2 Dante Inferno- This game was'nt on my list till I played a demo of it off the playstation network. The story drew me in and the game play is just like God of War, this may be it's downfall because......

    #1 God of War 3 - This come out this year and I can't wait. I have been waiting on this game since I got my ps3. I played the E3 demo and it blew me away.

    So what is your list????

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