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xPUNISHMENT47x has 18 chronicles

  1. xPUNISHMENT47x RROD Anyone?

    Player Chronicle -- Posted on May 14 2010

    Wow... It's Master Chief time right now (1:17 AM) XD. I was wondering if anybody here has ever experienced the RROD (red ring of death). I've only experienced this once in my xbox and three times with 2 other xbox's. Trust me, your stomach feels like the weight of a 200 pound burger you had for dinner once you have found out your xbox's ultimate demise. All of your owning skillz poured down the drain like it was liquid gold. BUT ALAS! I have come up with a solution to all you people who have lost your gaming dreams due to this outbreak. If you check my profile pictures you will see that my very first xbox turned itself magically into a duct-taped, war torn, egg dropping, I-home. I am that amazing lol. It delivers high quality sound and a fashionable gray-tape color.

    Anyways, I take whats broken and I turn it into something new. Right now I have a broken Ps2 controller. I'm actually thinking about making a PS2 xbox 360 controller, Buuuut... thats just a side project. Hope to hear what you have to say about what just spills out of my mind on here. Later Ninja lol.

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Chronicle Comments

xPUNISHMENT47x has 4 comment s on this chronicle.

  1. BEN BEN
    Posted On May 14 2010

    If you run with a Xbox 360, I'd say you're chances of getting the RROD at least once (likely more) is around 99.9%. lol

    I've experienced the pain of being without my 360, but on the other hand, I thought Microsoft handles it very well and it turns out, I still use the nice packaging they provided when I'm traveling with my 360s Wink

    I wish I had the handy skills to do the customization to broken equipment like you do, but I do not, haha.

  2. Raaaaaaandy Raaaaaaandy
    Posted On May 14 2010

    i got the e74 then a week later on a new xbox got rrod. it sucked. and costed me money. cuz i wasnt about to wait a month for their lazy asses to fix it.

  3. A-Thon X A-Thon X
    Posted On May 14 2010

    LoLz I love the new iHome! Thats turning a frown upside down. Very Happy

    And i recently lost an x-box to the red ring. but it was my brothers old one which he gave up cuz it was red ringing anyway, so it wasnt totally unexpected, but for a little while i owned an x-box. Sad

  4. xKyriEx xKyriEx
    Posted On May 14 2010

    You should have told them how they could fix it with 8 cents.