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BIGMercenary has 41 chronicles

  1. BIGMercenary Sermon: Hadoken: Down-Right Fierce Faith

    Player Chronicle -- Posted on Sep 30 2007

    Here's the incomplete version of my sermon I want to do one Weds night. I can't think of a way to close it. I want to wind it down to get some worship out of it like we usually do, but I just don't know how.

    It starts off with me showing a slide of Ryu. Maybe animated doing the Hadoken. I'll explain the background story of Ryu in the series and mention Evil Ryu.

    "The reason I'm starting off with Ryu is that he is the most disciplined and calm character I've ever known. He's the good guy. He never gives up. Although in the storyline, when Ryu was in a fight with another character (Sagat) he almost let his rage take control of him and for that he nearly killed him. He backed off at the absolute last second and only scarred the man for life.

    Don't we feel like that sometimes? We want to let our anger just boil to a rage and let it take control of us so we can tear somebody apart. Or when we wake up one day we decide we want to be in a bad mood? 'The first person that talks to me is seriously going to get it.' About two periods later no one has spoken to us or we've forgotten about our bad mood promise.

    We can get stuck in ruts because of that. Our anger can cause ruts, it can affect our relationships with other people. We get stuck.

    What do we do in a video game when we get stuck? Most of us cheat and that solves it.

    Well life isn't like a video game. There are no cheat codes. We can't go 'up, up, down, down, left, right, left, right, B, A, Start' (Konami Code!) and expect something to happen. We can't get infinite health, infinite ammo, all levels, no clipping, infinite boost, etc. When we get stuck in a situation we can't teleport into another place and leave our troubles behind. Sometimes we want to.

    For a game we can go out and buy a players guide. And guess what? There IS a players guide to life.

    It's the Bible. It's our PDA, it's our Fairy, it's our 1up, our powerup, our healthpak, our map, our GPS, all that good stuff. It tells us not to worry, because God even looks after the sparrows in the air. So imagine how much more important we are than a bird to Him.

    Although we can't always open it up and expect the answer to be RIGHT THERE. God can disguise what we're looking for in a simple Psalm or Proverb. One time and one time only I've opened it up and instantly found an answer. That was for a friend of mine who was having a REALLY bad day.

    Sometimes it seems like the Bible is the only thing God has left for us. Like 'Here's a book, I'll be back later.' But it's not. He's always there, YOU just have to acknowledge Him. YOU have to recognize that he works in different aspects of your life everyday. 'Whether you ask or not, God is there.'"

    That's about as far as I've gotten. Like I said, I want to wind it down and turn into a worship moment at the end. But I have no idea how. Any comments or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

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Chronicle Comments

BIGMercenary has 1 comment on this chronicle.

  1. Andy Andy
    Posted On Oct 01 2007

    Maybe at that point you could have every1 take a few quiet moments and have a time of reflection. Have them focus on the last time they felt GOD was there for them even when times were hard or when it felt like know body else was.

    After a few minutes end in a word of prayer. Pray for the people that maybe have never felt GOD in their lives. Maybe it's something they want..... as you said before, all they have to do is acknowledge him.

    Or maybe end in a song... depending how your worship service is set up.

    Just a thought man..... I'd love to hear whatev you decide on Wink


    p.s. I love the fact that you're willing to post such a bold chronicle. It says a lot about a person who is so willing to share his faith with complete strangers..... Very Happy