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BIGMercenary has 41 chronicles

  1. BIGMercenary This gen is officially screwed.

    Player Chronicle -- Posted on Oct 11 2007

    I just read this from GameSpot.

    It was a front page blog from ShenlongBo, some guy who'm I've never heard of until last night. In summary he describes how Epic and Microsoft have duped people out of cash. He paid $100 for extra content for Gears of War. Then they announced that all the content that he paid for was going to be readily available for the PC. Same thing with Guitar Hero 3. I'm sorry, III. Guitar Hero III (God forbid I don't spell it right, fanboys). Content will be readily available for download the same day it's released. It's basically content that the companies decided to cut from games so they can charge people for it later.

    I responded to his blog with this: Agree with what you're saying. And PCs aren't getting cheaper either. You'd have to constantly update the Processor, RAM, video card, etc. if you want to keep up/ahead of the top games. And the top prices of these things can cost as much, if not more, than an entire console + games. It no longer seems to be about gameplay and graphics, but about playing online. And I'm sure you'd agree with me: retro is looking better now than this gen's games (not remade versions, REAL old school).

    I underlined that one line because it's true: these companies are screwing people out of money for an extra level. I'd go as far as to say that some companies want the LIVES of their players. You get an achievement, award, or something for spending so many hours playing a certain game or getting a certain high score that it could take hours or days out of your life. Go out, buy points/whatever, and spend them to get closer to unlocking something else to spend more time playing.

    Im not even done with my current Xbox games, and you know what? That's fine by me. I'd rather take my time, actually PLAY the game, get to know it rather than just flashy graphics and then it's over. Besides: I can't play multiplayer games because I don't have the money to. And most of today's games are aimed at online play, somehting that gets worse everyday due to cheaters, spammers, and squeakers.

    He really opened my eyes up to something here.

    And now with EA buying up Pandemic and BioWare, it's official: EA will soon own your soul. When will they realize that they are the ruination of the gaming industry?

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