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BIGMercenary has 41 chronicles

  1. BIGMercenary My Own E3 Impressions

    Player Chronicle -- Posted on Jun 16 2010

    As if you don't read enough out of this from a lot of other people, I'm giving my opinions of the E3 stuff. Don't worry, its quick and short, just like my love-making.... Umm... moving on...

    Microsoft: "Hardcore" fanboys are some of whiniest child-like people I know. Microsoft shows off the Kinect and they go crazy, saying they've forgotten the "hardcore" audience.
    Here's a question: Why can't someone be "casual hardcore?" As in, they only play casual games because they're not impressed with the 4-hour long shooters with storyline depth as deep as a kiddie pool.
    Microsoft has catered to you long enough. It's time they use the Xbox 360 as something more than a platform for angry, foul-mouthed 12 year olds, potheads and frat boys who want to spend 8 hours yelling at someone who fragged them online.

    Nintendo: ANOTHER DS...
    Zelda, who didn't see that one coming?
    Metroid Other M, yeah...
    Wii Party replaces Mario Party....
    No Vitality Sensor, thank you, Nintendo...
    Just Dance 2 *sigh*.....

    Sony: REALLY riding the balls of the 3D thing, aren't you? Give me a GAME, not an EXPERIENCE.
    But who cares? They've announced a new Twisted Metal and this will be the game that will make me buy a PS3.
    (I've only seen the videos for Twisted Metal. The GameTrailers videos go for 20 seconds and then stop, forcing me to reload the page each time. Once Gamespot has the full press conference video I'll give my reactions. Not like you guys care anyway.)

    EA: Congratulations on getting your act together and making a REAL Need For Speed game that doesn't involve Tuners and NOS.
    I'm also looking forward to Medal of Honor, although I know that people are already calling it a CoD ripoff. *middle finger to them*

    Ubisoft: A Michael Jackson game? Really?
    Rayman Origins, never played the first.
    Assassins Creed with Ezio. Again.

    I generally don't like E3 because it brings out the a-holes, by that I mean "Opinions are like a-holes: everyone has one." So many people's opinions on what's good or what's bad means it taints your knowledge of what's being presented unless you've seen the press conference videos for yourself and formed your own opinions. I'm about to leave one game community because the founder of it trashed Microsoft without even presenting the facts, he just blurted out his own opinion and that makes me think less of him. If he had given just the facts rather than outright saying "It's lame!" I would have more respect for him. He's supposed to be reporting what's going on, not giving his own opinion.

    AHA! I can tell what some of you are thinking already: "But you just gave your own opinions, you're stoopit!!!11!!111!!eleven"
    I'm not reporting on the things, am I?

    Keep Playing.

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Chronicle Comments

BIGMercenary has 1 comment on this chronicle.

  1. BEN BEN
    Posted On Jun 18 2010

    It's like you were at the show man, haha. Nice summary here and be sure to check out the dedicated "E3 2010" profile around here. We'll be pushing all sort of highlights through there, along with the live updates we had on the Twitter account, @GoGcoversE32010!

    Jump into the GoG Forum and spice up the discussion. Lastly, I secretly recorded the ENTIRE Halo Reach private presentation and have it here...