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BIGMercenary has 41 chronicles

  1. BIGMercenary Insert title here

    Player Chronicle -- Posted on Jun 13 2008

    Well I've got my 360 now, but I still have to pay it off. Only $110 left I think.
    I bought Burnout Paradise and I all I can say about it is.... It's Burnout.... Not much else can be said about it. You have to be a true fan to tolerate it the entire way through and I'm not. I'll most likely trade it in in a few months.
    I borrowed the Orange Box from the friend who gave me the 360 and it's okay I guess.
    I don't have any money to buy more games and it will be a long time before I do. If anyone wants to add me on Live just send me a message on here with your gamertag and I'll send you a request.
    Until next time. Keep Playing.

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